Travel Bug From Me

Its been a while that I have been hearing "getting hit by the travel bug".  frankly it annoys me. yes a person might love to travel, but why succumb to getting bit?

tower bridge lucerne

I cant vouch for myself saying that I have a flair of writing, I honestly think i dont! writing this particular entry itself has been rather painstaking. The reason why I feel that I need to seriously take a more serious stand in blogging is that,   I feel that there are bits and pieces of my ideas and thinking which I feel I need to share. though I am no longer a practicing teacher, I sure hope that this will be an avenue for me to portray whats on my mind.

I have also just recently discovered a soft spot in travelling. I had to do some travelling for the past 3 years and that was entirely because its my job. I began doing some travel writing as well. I began learning on the do's and the dont's.

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